Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Two days left...


On the next Friday, I will take a plane to US. I'm leaving Brazil for at least 2 years. Today, I assembled my luggage and organized some stuff - I have to say that it was a little bit tiresome. Some times I fell like I'm preparing to disappear for a while. To say goodbye to people is a strange thing. It looks like I'm going to another dimension...

This picture was taken in the day I got know that I've got a job offer with Microsoft Corp. It was really amazing. Maybe it won't happen in a better time. From the left to the right: Sobral, me and Passaro. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006

Go away, kako!

Yes, I last in Brazil. Due some bureaucratic boring details my travel to US was delayed by two weeks. My familly got worried, but what seems strange is that they start to feel anxious about my departure. Of course, if I'm supposed to leave Brazil let it be ASAP!

Here is a scrap from my girlfriend. It says: 'Go away', 'Go Kako!' and 'Go quickly!'. Inside the ballon: 'Have a nice trip, bye!'. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Revellion in Porto

Big party! Here is my girlfriend and her father. Posted by Picasa


Happy New Year! Here are my Father, me and my Mother, just before to go to Porto de Galinhas. Posted by Picasa