Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What a weather!

[Posted at Oct'07] This two pictures were taken in Seattle.

This one was taken last summer. For metric oriented people (like me) here is the conversion: 96°F = 35°C.


This one was taken this morning. Conversion: 20°F = -7°C).


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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blue screen!

[Posted ar Oct'07] +1 for the Blue Screen collection. This one was taken in a airport in my way home from Las Vegas.


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Hi, could you press Wedding Chappels Convetion please?

[Posted at Oct'07] Have you though getting married? What about doing it as fast as do you when ordering a to-go in a fast food store. Sounds crasy huh? That's exactly how it works in Vegas. The picutre below was taken in a Hotel in Las Vegas when me and other two friends traveled on vacation.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Erotic cookies

I almost ate it. Let's see how much people would pay for it in the eBay.

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In the way there was a tree...

So this is the First Avenue in Seattle near by the Pioneer Square. There is this tree just in the middle of the avenue. There is nothing in special with it, but I like it anyway.

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Parallel parking for PROs

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Smoker's plantation

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Drunk people

So here is Thiago playing pool drunk in a cheap pub near by the UW district.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Black people car...


Speak me who she was sight with other
Bb C F
In black people car around city roading
Well dressing identic lady of the night
Bb F
Smelling drink and smoking without stopping
My God of the sky say there is a big lie
Bb C F
If it?s true try to clear for a please
From there to little I myself say the car
Bb C F
And two together if breaking of love
C Bb
Black people car, you are made steel
Made my chest in many pieces
Still learning quick to kill
C Bb
Black people car, with your noise bad all
My castle so good and pretty
You did to pull down (intr.)
Speak me who was sight with other
Bb C F
In black people car around city roading
Well dressing identic lady of the night
Bb F
Smelling drink and smoking without stopping
My God of the sky say there is a big lie
Bb C F
If it?s true try to clear for a please
From there to little I myself say the car
Bb C F
And two together if breaking of love
C Bb
Black people car, you are made steel
Made my chest in many pieces
Still learning quick to kill
C Bb
Black people car, with your noise bad all
My castle so good and pretty
You did to pull down
C Bb
Black people car, you are made steel
Made my chest in many pieces Posted by Picasa

A even warmer day in the Gorge


106oF == 41oC Posted by Picasa

A bill in a chinese restaurant

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Watching fireworks


These guys were having a barbecue while waiting for the July 4th fireworks. Two hours latter, the street was full of people. Posted by Picasa

A warm day in Redmond

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Weird dominoes...


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Watching brazilian world cup match at Microsoft

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Sleeping deeply

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Multicultural soccer


Playing soccer in a summer day. Posted by Picasa


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Sunday, April 02, 2006


Yeah Dude! I've got a car. This is a Mazda3

This white sticker on the back is my temporary car identification.

No, this is not a flat tire - it's a 17" alloy whell.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Secret Trail


These are some of my new friends in the USA. From the left to the right: Alessandro (BR), Frana (US), Me (BR) and Pablo (BR). We went to walk in a 'secret trail' just inside Seattle. Although short and wet, it was nice. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Finally... blogging from USA


There were 24 days since I arrived in USA. The 3 last weeks were cool - actually, I'd say freezing! For me, a guy that use to live in a city whom temperature never got bellow 70oF, to walk in a street under 40oF was tough task. Last week, we got 25oF (water freezes on 32oF). I saw some snow in the morning but people here says that this is uncommon.

About Microsoft. My first day was good. There is a special training that talks about benefits, rights, policies, etc. It was amazing to see a hundred of new employees in that room, mainly because this training happens every Monday and the room use to be crowded. In the second tday, I got to know the group that I'm working on.

In my floor, there five guys from Brasil (Me from Recife, Alex from Salavador, Thiago from Pelotas/Campinas, Elbio from Porto Alegre, Rafael from Sao Paulo (I guess) and Marcelo from Rio). Also, there are people from other countries (Japan, India, China, Canada, France, Spain, etc).

This photo was taken in front of my building. There are a lot of building just like this one.

That's it! Posted by Picasa